These messages were sent before the "archiving" was programmed into the mailer. From now on all messages are included in the archive file. Date: 92-04-04 23:58:51 EST From: MUBBS Echo Subj: Via Mailer Daemon To: N Hawthorn, NoamF, Ken McKitt, Scott001, W Gladnick, BenjaminS5 Date: 92-04-04 23:54:13 EST From: N Hawthorn Subj: New Echo Mailer Daemon ! To: MUBBS Echo OK, well here it is.... All you have to do if you want to send a message to everyone on the "Echo", is press "Reply to Author" and it will be AUTOMATICLY ECHOED ! (you send to the "MUBBS Echo" account, it's my little mail robot) DON'T PRESS "REPLY TO ALL" !!!! Later on it will actually echo out to a InterNet mail list I have! I am NOT going to "moderate" the echo, so anything goes for now! You should keep your messages fairly short so you don't fill up everyone's mail box too fast. This is currently a test, this is the first message ever sent. I won't add people for a few days, to make sure it works OK. The software totally simulates AOL's, so it doesn't even know what's happening! I love this! I have to MANUALLY delete incomming messages after they are "echoed", but I'll have that code working soon. The HARD part is done. Resource files are a MAJOR pain! (Handles, Pointers...) I tried to set it up to be compatable with my uucp mailer format, so it won't be long till you see InterNet mail comming through! No, I'm not releasing this program. If you want to write to me personally, send as usual to "N Hawthorn". Hey, GO FOR IT! Send this thing something and give it a GOOD TEST! Nate... Date: 92-04-07 14:45:54 EDT From: MUBBS Echo Subj: Via Mailer Daemon To: N Hawthorn, NoamF, Ken McKitt, Scott001, W Gladnick, BenjaminS5, Pilobolus, Fading, JEhrlich, Mattfallon, Richard478, Mespn, AFL MacDev, GarnerM Date: 92-04-06 10:45:03 EDT From: BenjaminS5 Subj: Re: Via Mailer Daemon To: MUBBS Echo One message per message is a good system. It doesn't add that much to the download time and the subject titles give you a "table of contents" to your mail. -ben